_QuieroAbogado - Consulta Gratis / Abogados Online - Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, 91.530.96.98
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Entradas por tag: counsel
15 de Enero, 2010    Madrid Law Firm

Counsel Lawyer Free Online service provided by Criminal Law Experts, civilian lawyers, labor lawyers, experts Immigration Lawyers. Law firm in Madrid.

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We answer your questions free legal experts advise our lawyers, please select the area of our website and fill out your inquiry form anonymously. If you need a personal appointment call us on 91 530 96 98. Free estimates. Criminal History cancellation - Evictions - Traffic Accidents - Inheritance - Divorce - Defense or Prosecution of Crime - Disabilities - Redundancies ...... We seek attorneys throughout Spain - Labor Lawyers - Criminal Lawyers - Abogagos Civilistas - Lawyers Administrative - Immigration Lawyers experts.

     Lawyers in Spain - Madrid

Abogados Laboralistas en Madrid, Abogados Civilistas en Madrid, Abogados Especialistas en Extranjería, Abogados Penalistas, despidos, desahucios, accidentes de circulación, incapacidad, invalidez, antecedentes penales, herencias, divorcios

C/ Embajadores 206, Dpdo. C / Embajadores 206, Dpdo. 1º B - Madrid 1 º B - Madrid




 Bar Equipment

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 Hi, Marco Saiz Javier Vicente, a lawyer practicing since 1996.


 I welcome you to QuieroAbogado.com, legal portal that provides free legal advice provided by lawyers.



 From a simple and anonymous you can ask your legal questions, we need only to tell us your city and a valid email address for sending you the answer.


From this site you will locate a lawyer willing to give you their help for free in any Hispanic country. To select the country click here.


 If you are a lawyer practicing in a Hispanic country and want to join our team, click here.


For a speedier reply we ask you to classify the type of consultation, you can access the various fields, clicking here and be automatically directed to the lawyer.



If you need a personal consultation please contact us on the phones

91 530 96 95 ó 91 530 96 98. 




 Property Administrators, Three free budgets for Managing Your Community.


Highlights of the month


Abogados de desahucios en Madrid, Abogados penalistas, Abogados Civilistas, Abogados Laboralistas, Abogados Administrativistas, Pregunta gratis a abogados

NOW put my legal questions


 * Eviction Express Vigor-Demand Model


 * Traffic Accidents


 * Disabilities Permanet



 * DIVORCE Express


 * Dismissal


 * Cancellation Criminal History


* Quality


Criminal Search

Accidentes de tráfico, accidente de circulación, antecedentes penales, antecedentes policiales, defensa a detenidos, calabozos, comisaría, presos


 * Assistance to Detainees at the police station as both courts.


 * Cancellation of judicial and police records.


 * Traffic Accidents.


* Defense and Private Prosecution in Speedy Trial.


Blood alcohol level, driving without a license or total loss of points.


 Gender and Domestic Violence. Ordenes de Protección. Orders of Protection.


 * Defense and Prosecution in all types of Criminal Procedure.


 * Defense and Prosecution in Juvenile Criminal Records, to the Office of Juvenile and Juvenile Courts.


* Petitions for Pardon.


 See Criminal Law

Job Search


 * Drafting and supervision of contracts, payroll, redundancy and settlements.


 * Assisting Workers on unfair dismissal and Objectives.


 * Complaints of Rights and Quantity.


* Invalidez e Incapacidad. * Disability and Disability.


 * Work Injuries.  In Central and traveling which


* Social Security and Pensions.

 See Labor Law

Civil Search abogados expertos en derecho civil, separaciones, divorcios, liquidación de ganaciales, desahucios expiración plazo, desahucio por falta de pago, testamentos, herencias

 * Quantity Contracts and Claims and Obligations.

 * Evictions for nonpayment, on termination of the lease term and precarious.

 * Inheritance and wills.

* Separation, Divorce, Paternity, Family Law in General.

 * Judicial Division of Wealth, Liquidation of acquisitions, Partitions and Divisions of Estates Common Thing

 * Property Landscape.

 Non-payment of fees for payment by Community and Appeal Board Arrangements.

 * Traffic accidents, negligence and imprudence.

Tort Liability.

* Disabled.

 See Civil Law

Immigration Consultation Abogados expertos en estranjería, nacionalidad, expedientes de expulsión, internamientos en el CIE, nacionalidades, medicas cuatelarísimas

 * Attendance Records arrested for Expulsion, Arguments 48 hours to the initiation of expulsion proceedings,


 * Residence and Work Permits.  Rooting.

 * Family Reunion.

 * Community Card and Spanish Nationality.

* Returnees, Border Returns.

See Immigration Legislation

Administrative Consultation

 * Administrative Appeals and Administrative Disputes.

 * Disciplinary measures.

. * Equity Responsibility for Administration.

 * Licenses and Applications.

** Executive.

See Administrative Law

Other Queries

 * Juvenile Law, Guardianship, Adoptions ...

 * Ecclesiastical Marriage Nullity (we have lawyers the Rota).


View Legislation Subject

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Derecho Penal

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- Accidentes de Tráfico

- Reforma Código Penal 2010

- Cancelación de Penales

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Derecho Civil

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Derecho Laboral

- Incapacidades

- Fibromialgia y S.F.C.

- Despidos

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- Responsabilidad Patrimonial

- Negligencias Médicas

- Prisión Indebida

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- Expedientes Expulsión

- Permisos y Renovación

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