Lawyers in Spain - Madrid
C/ Embajadores 206, Dpdo. C / Embajadores 206, Dpdo. 1º B - Madrid 1 º B - Madrid Map Bar Equipment Attorneys Free Consultation to Hispanic-speaking Countries, click here | Hi, Marco Saiz Javier Vicente, a lawyer practicing since 1996. I welcome you to, legal portal that provides free legal advice provided by lawyers. From a simple and anonymous you can ask your legal questions, we need only to tell us your city and a valid email address for sending you the answer. From this site you will locate a lawyer willing to give you their help for free in any Hispanic country. To select the country click here. If you are a lawyer practicing in a Hispanic country and want to join our team, click here. For a speedier reply we ask you to classify the type of consultation, you can access the various fields, clicking here and be automatically directed to the lawyer. If you need a personal consultation please contact us on the phones 91 530 96 95 ó 91 530 96 98. Property Administrators, Three free budgets for Managing Your Community. | Highlights of the month NOW put my legal questions * Eviction Express Vigor-Demand Model * Traffic Accidents * Disabilities Permanet * DIVORCE Express * Dismissal * Cancellation Criminal History * Quality |